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11 March 2019

Music For The Planet – Episode 4: Rainforests

Every living being has its own respiratory system, without which it would be impossible to live. Rainforests are the respiratory system of our planet. Their majesty and importance deserved to be told musically in this project. Before you push play, let me invite you to close your eyes.


It all starts with sounds recorded in a rainforest. In this peaceful atmosphere, the instruments are integrated starting to play slowly, accompanying us with a rocking movement that gently leads us to a first introduction to the theme from minute 01.13. Everything remains low dynamic, until a first opening where the section of the violins opens to the first real breath of the orchestra. This bridge is a dynamic crescendo that reaches its peak with an opening and the entrance of the rest of the sections at minute 02.25. As in a vortex, we are transported by this stubborn movement of violas and cellos. The violins remain silent until minute 02.49 when they return heroically giving, even more, air apart. From minute 03.13 instead begins a general decrease in which all the various sections of the orchestra gradually decrease in intensity until they disappear altogether, leaving space again for the sounds of the rain forest which are married to a celestial and a piano with light notes dissolving in the ether of this soundscape.

Sound-stage: nature, electronics and orchestra

In this very order, the sound elements have been composed. First of all, I wanted to mentally lower myself to the deep listening of the sounds of the rainforest, then I wanted to find a way to bring out in a natural way the various instruments. I started with a loop from Output’s REV library that offers, in addition to a wide variety of acoustic sounds in reverse, also loops of acoustic instruments. In this case, a piano prepared. Another fundamental electronic sound is the synth that doubles the part of the horns at the time of opening. A sawtooth wave that gives even more harmonics and is characterized by the rest of the acoustic sounds. The way I think of rainforests as the lungs of planet earth, made me imagine the orchestra as the air that moves within them. For this reason, the piece is born and dies in the original sound of the rainforest.

Dive Into the Matter

After years of research, there is no longer any doubt that climate change is occurring and that it is caused by human actions. While much of the blame can be attributed to our over-reliance on fossil fuels, massive deforestation in the 20th and 21st centuries has diminished one of our planet’s best tools to absorb carbon. Our forests are natural buffers against some of the worst effects of climate change, buffers that can be preserved through action on the ground. Agriculture drives 80 percent of tropical deforestation and billions of tons of greenhouse gas emissions each year. Maximizing harvests on existing cropland is critical to global food security. The race to feed the world’s growing population (projected to be 9.8 billion by 2050), while also addressing the impacts of climate change on farms, begins now.

Take Action: Rainforest Alliance

The Rainforest Alliance is an international non-profit organization working at the intersection of business, agriculture, and forests to make the responsible business the new normal. They are an alliance of companies, farmers, foresters, communities, and consumers committed to creating a world where people and nature thrive in harmony. By bringing diverse allies together, they are making a deep-rooted change on some of our most pressing social and environmental issues. Together, they amplify the voices of farmers and forest communities, improve livelihoods, protect biodiversity, and help people mitigate and adapt to climate change in bold and effective ways.

Here you can find the page to make a donation to them. Words are important, but gestures are even more significant. Don’t think twice and make the difference NOW.